Monday, March 24, 2008


So the cute little guy looks like he is a teenager with all of his little acne. It makes me feel so bad for him.

I have also started to feel like i am back in high school with all of my acne too. But what can you do when there are about 3 times the usual amounts of hormones going through your body.

I guess its just another joy of being a mother. lol

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sleep Deprived

So this little bundle of joy is keeping me awake at night. It doesn't matter if he is sleeping i am awake making sure that he is still breathing. So i am up a good amount of the night every night just to make sure he is ok.

Yay motherhood.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Elijah Lincoln Davis

On Saturday morning at 12:27 AM i gave birth to Elijah Lincoln Davis. He was 8lbs. 3oz. He was 20 in. long. He has been a really good baby so far.

I know that i have not posted in a long time but it is kinda hard when you are really just not feeling well and not wanting to do anything.

We are all doing very well.