Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Dad's Blog

My father is writing a blog series thing that tells the story of him coming out and saying to the world that he is gay. In each post recently it has gotten harder for me to read. Not because I don't want to hear the story, but it is so hard to relive every thing. There are things that I remember that I don't think that I ever told him.

I am not scolding him in any way for writing his story. In fact I am doing the opposite. I want him to keep writing, but that doesn't make it any easier to read of course. This is why I haven't posted any comments on his blog. There is so much I want to say, but I don't think it would be the smartest thing for me to do.

For those of you who do not read my dad's blog and are really confused about what the hell is going on here is link

And I know that my dad is eventually going to read this. So I am saying this here, I love you and don't worry just keep writing your story. There are so many people out there that need to here your story, I just hope that those people are able to do just that. Find your story in some way.


Claire Marie said...

Hilary you are amazing. This is a beautiful commentary on your dad's blog. It is so good for me to see your take on things. Perhaps you will consider posting on his blog for others to hear your side of things just a little bit.

I love you.


Jason, as himself said...

I would be interested in hearing your take on the whole thing. I've never heard things from your perspective. Thanks for your support.